en it

YWC Showcase

Milano - June 9th
Rome - June 15th

YWC Showcase: soccer tryouts to obtain athletic scholarships for aspiring American high school or college student-athletes. The showcase is also a prerequisite for receiving an invitation to the July Training Camp.

The YWC Pathway

Follow Yannick Bright's example

Vivi il College Soccer

By participating in the YWC Showcase, you will receive an assessment on your chances of getting a scholarship to an American college or Academy High-School. The event will help you learn more about the U.S. system, and with testimonials from current-student athletes who will attend the event you can understand how student-athlete life works.

June 9th 2024


June 15th 2024


Location and Program

Location: Vittorio Pozzo Sports Center
Address: Via Giuseppe Pozzobonelli, 4, 20162 Milan MI, Italy

1:00 p.m.: Check-in
1:30 p.m.: Informational workshop with opportunity for parents to attend
2:00 p.m.: Game material delivery
2:15 p.m.: Start of Field Activities
4:30 p.m.: End of field activities
5 p.m.: Possibility of individual interviews

*Two separate groups will be created based on age.

Rome - Program

Location: Athletic Center 2000
Address: ex 100, Via di Centocelle, 195, 00175 Rome RM, Italy

1:00 p.m.: Check-in
1:30 p.m.: Informational workshop with opportunity for parents to attend
2:00 p.m.: Game material delivery
2:15 p.m.: Start of Field Activities
4:30 p.m.: End of field activities
5 p.m.: Possibility of individual interviews

*Two separate groups will be created based on age.


Until May 15: 95 €
From May 16: 120 €

What It Includes:
Technical evaluation for obtaining a scholarship in America
Informational work-shop with testimonials from YWC Staff members and current student-athletes
Professional filming of the event


2. Candidates 4 years High-School: Attend 1, 2, 3 high school
3. Candidati College: Essere in possesso del diploma o essere iscritti alla 4 o 5 superiore
4. Master’s candidates: Be in possession of a bachelor’s degree or plan to graduate by July 2025

Cosa Portare

  • IMPORTANT – A clearance from your club is not required
  • Sports material to play: (shoes and shin guards) *
  • Copy of medical-sports examination
  • Identity card

*Complete game kit will be provided by YWC

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Participate?

The showcase is open to aspiring student-athletes for their respective academic programs:

  • High School (4th year secondary school)
  • College (first cycle of undergraduate studies)
  • College Transfer (for current college students)
  • Master’s degree (second cycle of undergraduate studies)

The age range is between 14 and 25 years.

What is the maximum number of participants?
40 participants. Given that the maximum number of registrants is limited to 40 participants, we recommend formalizing registration in advance.

How many scholarships are available?
There is no minimum or maximum number of scholarships available. We will select as many players as we feel are ready for scholarship.

How do I participate?
To participate, simply complete the registration form at the bottom of this page and complete payment. After completing payment, participation in the event is 100% guaranteed. All you have to do is show up on time on the day of the event.

After how long will I know if I have been selected?
Within a week of the event, you will receive feedback from a member of our staff letting you know if you have been selected.

What happens if I am selected?
You will receive a scholarship prospectus

Do I need to know English in order to participate?
No. YWC collaborates with several American universities that offer English courses dedicated to international students who need more time to learn English before starting college courses. In any case, departures for America occur at least 6 months after the event; in this time frame it will be possible to prepare adequately.

9 June 2024


15 June 2024


Location and Program

Location: Vittorio Pozzo Sports Center
Address: Via Giuseppe Pozzobonelli, 4, 20162 Milan MI, Italy

1:00 p.m.: Check-in
1:30 p.m.: Informational workshop with opportunity for parents to attend
2:00 p.m.: Game material delivery
2:15 p.m.: Start of Field Activities
4:30 p.m.: End of field activities
5 p.m.: Possibility of individual interviews

*Two separate groups will be created based on age.

Rome - Program

Location: Athletic Center 2000
Address: ex 100, Via di Centocelle, 195, 00175 Rome RM, Italy

1:00 p.m.: Check-in
1:30 p.m.: Informational workshop with opportunity for parents to attend
2:00 p.m.: Game material delivery
2:15 p.m.: Start of Field Activities
4:30 p.m.: End of field activities
5 p.m.: Possibility of individual interviews

*Two separate groups will be created based on age.


Until May 15: 95 €
From May 16: 120 €

What It Includes:
Technical evaluation for obtaining a scholarship in America
Informational work-shop with testimonials from YWC Staff members and current student-athletes
Professional filming of the event


2. Candidates 4 years High-School: Attend 1, 2, 3 high school
3. Candidati College: Essere in possesso del diploma o essere iscritti alla 4 o 5 superiore
4. Master’s candidates: Be in possession of a bachelor’s degree or plan to graduate by July 2025

Cosa Portare

  • IMPORTANT – A clearance from your club is not required
  • Sports material to play: (shoes and shin guards) *
  • Copy of medical-sports examination
  • Identity card

*Complete game kit will be provided by YWC

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Participate?

The showcase is open to aspiring student-athletes for their respective academic programs:

  • High School (4th year secondary school)
  • College (first cycle of undergraduate studies)
  • College Transfer (for current college students)
  • Master’s degree (second cycle of undergraduate studies)

The age range is between 14 and 25 years.

What is the maximum number of participants?
40 participants. Given that the maximum number of registrants is limited to 40 participants, we recommend formalizing registration in advance.

How many scholarships are available?
There is no minimum or maximum number of scholarships available. We will select as many players as we feel are ready for scholarship.

How do I participate?
To participate, simply complete the registration form at the bottom of this page and complete payment. After completing payment, participation in the event is 100% guaranteed. All you have to do is show up on time on the day of the event.

After how long will I know if I have been selected?
Within a week of the event, you will receive feedback from a member of our staff letting you know if you have been selected.

What happens if I am selected?
You will receive a scholarship prospectus

Do I need to know English in order to participate?
No. YWC collaborates with several American universities that offer English courses dedicated to international students who need more time to learn English before starting college courses. In any case, departures for America occur at least 6 months after the event; in this time frame it will be possible to prepare adequately.

Gioca, studia, vivi da professionista.

Our Players

Lorenzo Orlandi

McPherson College

Mattia Marini

Bryan College

Edoardo De Filippis

Campbellsville University

Pasquale Gargiulo

Indian Hills CC

Gioca, studia, vivi da professionista.


Lorenzo Orlandi

McPherson College



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Completando il pagamento la partecipazione allo showcase è garantita al 100%